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Image by Annie Spratt


Bareroot Trees


Bareroot trees are lifted, transported, and transplanted during their dormant season, typically from November to early April.
To ensure successful planting, they should be planted within 7–10 days of arrival.


It is crucial to keep their roots from drying out. Store and transport them in a sealed container,
such as a plastic bag, to maintain moisture and protect the roots.


The height of a bareroot tree is measured from the soil line to the top of the plant.
Taller trees generally cost more due to their increased size and maturity.


Bareroot trees offer several advantages. They are cost-effective, grow well, and are more environmentally friendly
than pot-grown trees, requiring fewer resources to produce.
However, they are seasonal and require careful handling to avoid damage.

Potted Trees

Potted trees are grown in containers, including pots or small soil plugs, making them suitable for planting year-round.
They offer flexibility, as they can be stored for longer periods if planting is delayed.
However, they are more expensive to produce compared to bareroot trees.


To ensure their health, the soil in their pots or containers must remain consistently moist.
Avoid allowing the soil to dry out completely, as this can stress the tree and hinder its growth.


Cormac Downey, President of the Tree Council 


Proper preparation of the planting site is essential to help trees grow into healthy, mature specimens.

Avoid planting in areas overshadowed by tall trees, buildings, or walls, as these can limit light and hinder growth.
For trees expected to reach a height of 30 meters, ensure the planting site is at least that distance from buildings
to allow sufficient light and space.


Trees under one meter in height generally do not require staking. However, taller trees should be supported
with a sturdy stake to ensure stability during early growth.


When planting multiple trees, space the holes about one spade length apart.
To create a natural and visually appealing landscape, avoid planting in straight rows and consider varying the species.


The ideal time to transplant trees is between October and April, with autumn being optimal for many species.

For container-grown trees, planting can be done at any time of the year, provided proper care is taken.


Dig a hole big enough to take the root ball of the tree very comfortably.
With the tree in the hole, position where the stake should be bearing in mind it should on the prevailing wind side. Remove the tree and hammer the stake into place.


When roots are covered, top with the soil to bring it level with the ground which should be just above the root ball of the tree. Firm the soil with the back of your heel.


If the soil is dry, soak thoroughly after planting. If the tree is greater than 2m in height you could also sink a piece of pipe, perforated with holes, into the planting pit to ensure that the water gets down to the roots and does not evaporate in dry weather.


If it is a bare-rooted tree, dip its roots into water. Place the tree in the hole and spread the roots close to the stake. Top with compost or well-rotted manure and also add some compost or manure to the back-soil.
If the young tree was grown in a container, make sure that the root ball is firmly placed and surrounded with soil.


Always use a suitable tree tie. Long life tree ties are adjustable and do not damage the tree. Hammer the tie onto the stake which will ensure the tree tie stays where it should.


If the tree is exposed to grazing animals e.g. rabbits and deer then a plastic tree protector or metal mesh surround may be necessary.


Maintenance is just as vital to a tree's survival as proper planting.

It should be diligently carried out, particularly during the first two growing seasons, and
should include the following essential tasks:

Oriental Lotus

Maintain a one metre weed-free zone around the base of the tree. A mulch of organic material such as compost or well-rotted manure, placed around the base of the tree will help conserve water and control weeds, thereby encouraging rapid establishment.

Oriental Lotus

Check the stakes and tie regularly - adjust or remove ties as tree grows.

Oriental Lotus

Replace dead or vandalised trees at the end of the growing season.

Oriental Lotus

Watering should be carried out regularly during the first two growing seasons. There is often a dry period during May and June, and many newly planted trees die during this time due to drought.

Oriental Lotus

Cut back broken branches to a strong shoot or to the main trunk. Paint the wound with a sealing compound.

Oriental Lotus

Keep and eye out for the signs of distress such as drought, wind exposure, disease, or grazing by animals that may compromise your newly planted tree.

...and most important...

Enjoy the tree as it grows strong.
Sit in its shade on a summer's day or marvel at its changing colours as the seasons change...

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