Trees for Smaller Gardens
Just because your garden is small, don’t think that you can’t have trees!
One of the advantages of planting trees is that there is a species to fit every location, regardless of size. Many people with small gardens only have space for one tree so choosing the right one is important.
When planting in small enclosed spaces, it is advisable to plant trees that have a small crown spread. Eventual height is an important factor too.
Even small ornamental trees may, over time, reach a height of 6-7m or more.
If you only have room for one tree ideally look for one with more than one feature or season of interest such as coloured bark or fruit or autumn colour following on from flowers.

Malus "Royalty"
Large deep pink flowers in spring followed by exceptionally bright red-purple fruits in autumn. Glistening, rich purple leaves.
Ornamental Tree
Height 6m.

Malus "Evereste"
White flowers in late April are followed in autumn by orange-yellow fruits. The fruits are inedible but will nourish local bird life.
Ornamental Tree
Height 7m.

Betula utilis "Jacquemontii"
Trunk and branches are a luminous white. Glossy dark green leaves turn yellow in autumn and yellow-brown male catkins appear in early spring.
Ornamental Tree
Height 12m.

Prunus "Amanogawa"
A narrow, upright tree ideal for restricted spaces. Young leaves are bronze-green, turning green in summer. The large semi-double, soft pink flowers, which are slightly fragrant, are borne in dense clusters in April or May.
Ornamental Tree
Height 8m.

Acer palmatum "Osakasuki"
Grown mainly for its spectacular autumn colour, this is perhaps one of the best of all the maples. It has an open habit, and its large, seven-lobed, bright green leaves turn brilliant scarlet in autumn and last for several weeks.
Ornamental Tree
Height 6m.

Sorbus cashmiriana
Many fingered, green leaves turn russet and gold in autumn. In late spring, the tree is covered in clusters of pink or white flowers, followed by large white berries which last well in to winter.
Ornamental Tree
Height 6m.

Salix caprea "Pendula"
A dwarf growing, dense-crowned, weeping willow with stiff, pendulous branches. Grey and yellow catkins are borne in spring.
Ornamental Tree
Height 2-3m.

Laburnum x watereri "Vossii"
Masses of long, pendulous, lightly scented clusters of yellow flowers up to 30cm long smother the tree in late spring. Note – all plant parts are poisonous if ingested.
Ornamental Tree
Height 8m.

Acer pseudoplatanus "Brilliantissimum"
Leaves open salmon-pink in spring turning yellow-green by summer. Clusters of yellow-green spring flowers. The tree has a lolly-pop, spreading form.
Ornamental Tree
Height 8m.

Acer griseum
Dark red foliage changing to deep purple on purple stems, contrasting dramatically with masses of pink flowers in March and April.
Ornamental Tree
Height 10m.

Crataegus laevigata "Paul’s Scarlet"
A thorny tree bearing clusters of dark pink, double flowers in May and June followed by small red (inedible) fruits in autumn.
Ornamental Tree
Height 8m.

Sorbus aucuparia
Choose the fastigiate form. Leaves turn deep, fiery red and yellow in autumn. Sprays of white flowers cover the tree in late spring, followed by bunches of red berries in autumn.
Native Irish Tree
Height 8m.

Betula pendula
Distinctive silvery-white, peeling bark that becomes marked with black, rugged cracks as it gets older. In spring, yellow-brown male catkins appear and in late autumn the diamond-shaped, bright green foliage turns yellow before falling. Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ is a weeping form that develops a mushroom-headed habit with branches reaching to the ground.
Native Irish Tree
Height 12m

Acer pensylvanicum
Trunk and branches streaked green and white and brilliant yellow autumn leaves.
Ornamental Tree
Height 6m.

Amelanchier lamarckii
Stunning white, starry flowers in springtime followed by edible, purple black fruits. Leaves turn from bronze in spring to green in summer to brilliant red and orange during autumn.
Ornamental Tree
Height 8m.

Euonymus europaeus
Although inconspicuous for much of the year, this small tree is very showy in autumn and early winter when the leaves turn blazing scarlet and masses of rose-red capsules split open to reveal orange seeds.
Native Irish Tree
Height 4m.

Arbutus unedo
Slow growing evergreen with shredding brown bark and dark green, leathery leaves. Clusters of pinkish white, pitcher-shaped flowers and red strawberry-like fruits are borne together in late autumn and winter. Suitable for southern Ireland and coastal areas.
Native Irish Tree
Height 5m.

Pyrus salicifolia "Pendula"
A very elegant tree which forms a dense mound of weeping branches. These are clothed with downy, silvery grey, willow-like leaves. White flowers in April followed by small brown fruits in autumn.
Ornamental Tree
Height 7m.

Taxas baccata
Choose the columnar or fastigiate form. Slow growing coniferous tree forming a dense, compact column.
Native Irish Tree
Height 3m.